Visit a Rehearsal

Do you love to sing? Do you miss singing in a chorus?

If so, Capital City Chorus has a great opportunity for you.  All women of any age and ability are welcome to attend, even if you’ve never sung in a group before. You don’t even have to read music!  We are anticipating great things in our journey as a chorus. YOU can join us on this wonderful journey!

We are currently holding in-person rehearsals every Thursday evening from 6:45pm to 9:30pm, at:
the Warren Performing Arts Center Choir Room
9500 E 16th St, Indianapolis, IN 46229
The parking lot is located on the southwest corner of campus off 16th street. Enter door 32 (which will be unlocked at 6:30pm) and walk down the hall to the choir room on the right. For safety reasons, door 32 locks at 7:15pm so if you're ever late, call (317)241-7664 to be let in the building.

If interested, please email, or call 317-241-7664 to request information. 

Here is what to expect:

  • Rehearsal begins at 6:45 pm. Arrive a little early so a Music Team member can place you in the proper voice part and pair you up with a “riser buddy” for the night to help you through all we do.
  • You will receive an information packet along with sheet music.
  • We encourage guests to jump right in with our rehearsal flow. The best way to learn is by doing, and by experiencing the sound all around you. We promise that you will not feel out of place!
  • A typical rehearsal consists of physical warmups to prepare the mind and body, vocal warmups and instruction to improve our instruments, rehearsing and fine-tuning music and choreography, and lots of laughter and fun.
  • In the days to follow, you will receive information via email from the Membership Team detailing the audition process, which takes place over several weeks. A specialized group of singers will be ready to assist you in learning your part and in answering any questions.

You will be guided every step of the way and made to feel a part of us immediately! We can’t wait to meet you!

Non-Discrimination Policy: Capital City Chorus shall comply with the laws of the State of Indiana and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin (ancestry), religion (creed), age, sexual orientation, citizenship status, or off~duty tobacco use, in its recruiting and selection of members. More...

Copyright © 2025 Capital City Chorus